
Limit Control Valve (Closed Loop)



Hydraulic valves are essential mechanical devices employed to carry out crucial functions within hydraulic systems, including flow control, pressure regulation, and direction control. These valves play a pivotal role in ensuring the precise direction and management of hydraulic fluid, thereby enabling hydraulic systems to operate with efficiency and safety.

The utilization of hydraulic valves spans a wide array of industrial sectors, encompassing automotive, aviation, marine, agriculture, construction, energy, mining, and machinery manufacturing, among others. These valves serve as integral components within hydraulic systems, underlining their significance in these industries.

The proper selection of hydraulic valves is paramount to ensuring the safety, performance, and overall efficiency of hydraulic systems. The right valve choice enables hydraulic systems to function optimally and achieve desired outcomes.

Our company takes pride in the production of hydraulic valves renowned for their durability and high quality. Customer satisfaction remains our primary focus, and we offer a diverse range of valve options to meet varying needs. Our production processes adhere rigorously to global standards, guaranteeing tailored solutions that align with our customers' requirements. For detailed pricing information on closed-loop limit directional valves, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our company.

Technical Specifications

Code 14101067000 14101067000
Valf Type 3/4" 1"
Debi Efficiencly 110 140
Work Pressure -- --
Max Pressure 230 230
Weight Kg. 1,6 1,6

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